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Friday 3 July 2020

Joy Of Healing With Frequency

Tuning back to perfect vibrations will require great genius plus electromagnetic engineering. Nikola Tesla once said that knowing the magnificence detailed by 3, 6, and 9 will allow one to know the key to a peaceful universe. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are fundamental vibration roots made for solfeggio frequencies.

YouTube has countless Solfeggio meditations that integrate the frequencies with music — over a million pages were returned in a Google search on “Solfeggio meditation.” Some websites offer expensive, specialized equipment — others offer precisely calibrated tuning fork sets. Some health practitioners strike the forks, then place them on specific acupuncture points and meridians while others create “sound baths” with gongs and singing bowls tuned to specific frequencies.

Music tuned to the frequency of 741 Hz helps with problem-solving, cleansing the body, and self-expression. It also helps to awaken intuition and promote living simply and purely.

Albert Einstein further added that, on the matter, we have been wrong. Matter is energy having lowered vibrations perceptible to their senses. Every matter-being vibrate at quite specified rates, making everything to have their own melody. Musical nature for nuclear matter obtained from atoms to the galaxies is already recognized by the sciences.

The Guidonian Hand Some listen to chant recordings to enter trance states — others to relieve disease symptoms of depression. Sister Ruth Stanley, a Benedictine nun and head of complementary medicine at Minnesota’s St. Cloud Hospitals, observed that patients who listened to chant and “Plain song” experienced relief from chronic pain. But there are less obvious reasons for the wellbeing and health listeners’ experience.
The six original Solfeggio notes each have a “Hz,” or “cycle per second” frequency. Contemporary musical scale frequencies are not identical to the original notes — in the 20th century, those wishing to play in the original Solfeggio frequency scale tune theirs with specialized tuning forks or frequency measuring devices.

This scale of six notes (C, D, E, F, G, A), the ancestor of our “so re mi fa so la ti do,“ evolved into the modern diatonic scale after “UT” became “DO” in the 19th century, and “TI” (B) was added later. “Solfeggio” is based on the word “solfège,” the name for this notation method of teaching pitch and sight singing. Konig discovered that the resonances matched five different brainwave states: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. These are the brainwave states that occur naturally during all daily activities from sleeping to creating to learning.

Solfeggio Geometry and Cymatics is the science of observing the effects of sound and frequency on matter usually in the form of liquid or powder. The term was coined by Swiss scientist Hans Jenny, who used specialized equipment that allowed a viewer to observe shapes formed in a medium under the influence of sound wave frequencies. A cyma scope study for Soma Energetics, a company specializing in education and equipment for sound therapy, recorded cymatic images of each of the Solfeggio frequencies.
 Each frequency image contained “nodes” and “antinodes,” or the tops and bottoms of visible standing sound waves. Counting the antinodes, the researchers discovered that most of the Solfeggio frequencies, precisely produced by tuning forks, are “divisible by 3, 6, and/or 9. Any whole number divisor of 72 carries a mathematical relationship between phi and certain frequencies; 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, and 2 all work.” 12, 9, 6 and 3 all have special significance in many number-based esoteric systems.
And coincidentally, the hz frequency numbers (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852) can all be reduced to one of these numbers (369 = 18 = 9, 417 = 12 = 3, 528 = 15 = 6, 639 = 18 = 9, 741 = 12 = 3, 852 = 15 = 6). Nikola Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” The researchers added that distortions in the images were the product of ambient background noise, but the structure and geometry of each frequency is apparent in the images. 

Patrick Iwobi, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

Thursday 2 July 2020

Where to Find Bracelets That Will Improve Your Balance

Known for its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, copper can treat and heal wounds quickly. Also, it is known to strengthen the immune system and aids in the production of new cells.

Copper has been used for construction since prehistoric times, even before recorded history. Ancient civilizations even utilized the compounds in metals such as copper, zinc and manganese in their medicines and treatments. And as it turns out, copper has a wide range of health benefits! Copper is an essential micronutrient that has numerous health, wellness and beauty benefits, from improved appearance of skin, to treatment of wounds and skin conditions, and also aids in maintaining metabolic processes, among countless other health benefits. Your body does not produce copper naturally, so you must add it to your body from external sources. Copper is found in many foods that you eat, including beans, nuts and seeds, seafood such as oysters, leafy greens, whole grains, soy, beets, avocados and cocoa. Your body stores copper in your bones and muscles. 

You can also introduce copper to your body by drinking water from copper vessels or wearing copper jewelry. There are no risks or side effects reported with dietary consumption of copper. The only time a person would experience a problem would be due to excessive levels of copper in drinking water, exposure to high levels of copper through chemicals, or excessive use of supplements. High levels of copper can lead to oxidative damage in the brain. In Wilson’s disease, for example, high levels of copper collect in the liver, brain, and other vital organs.

According to the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, people with sufficient levels of iron can still be anemic. If blood test results show that you’re not getting enough copper, your doctor may recommend that you take supplements. Copper supplements are available as pills and capsules. You can also get copper intravenously, or through your veins. You shouldn’t take copper supplements and zinc supplements at the same time. You should take these supplements at least two hours apart.

Overview Copper is a mineral found throughout your body. It’s a nutrient that your body must have to function properly. You only need trace amounts of this heavy metal. Lead, mercury, and arsenic are examples of heavy metals that aren’t good for you. But getting copper in trace amounts is essential. Getting too much of it or not enough of it can cause health problems.

Copper deficiency in the United States and most developed countries is rare, especially when a person follows a balanced diet. In fact, most people can get all the copper they need through diet. If a person’s copper levels are low, a doctor can recommend a copper supplement and/or look for any underlying conditions. Anyone thinking about a copper supplement should first check with a doctor.

 Helps the digestive system perform better Copper has properties that help kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation within the stomach, making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections. Copper also helps cleanse and detox your stomach, regulates the working of your liver and kidneys, and proper elimination of waste and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food. "When water is stored in a copper container, the mineral gets leached into it. This copper leached in the water helps in breaking down of food particles in our body and improves our digestion." 

We have also discovered that after experimenting with copper charged with healing frequencies, the frequency imprint is amazing and result is great, The copper charged bangles works when is on the body and does not work when its not worn.  

Patrick Iwobi, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Benefit of Copper Bangles with Vibrational Healing Frequency


Besides being useful as a metal, copper also kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. The “Edwin Smith Papyrus,” one of the oldest books ever discovered, records the use of copper to sterilize chest wounds and drinking water. This book was written sometime between 2600 B.C. and 2200 B.C. 

Copper is one of the oldest metals to be used by humans and over the years has been used for a wide range of applications. We have been creating things from copper for thousands of years, simply because it is easy to find. Copper is the third most common metal after iron and steel, and although it has a lot of useful industrial applications, copper also has several lesser-known health benefits. 

There’s also the issue of skin irritation in some copper magnetic bracelet users, but this was believed to be because they aren’t using 100% pure copper magnetic bracelets. Some copper bracelets with magnet out there in the market aren’t made of pure copper. Instead, they contain toxic metals such as lead which can cause problems such as headaches, digestive issues, and of course, skin irritation. A piece of friendly advice: buy only 100% pure and original copper magnetic bracelets. 

Copper-deficiency has been linked to certain cardiovascular diseases. Various research studies have been conducted, and many of them have proven that people with chronically low amounts of copper in their bodies are more likely to have high blood pressure, and are suspected of having increased risks in suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

One reason to be skeptical of folk remedies for arthritis is that there are more than 100 different forms of arthritis. There are many different causes of arthritis, too. For example, osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and doesn’t have a known cause. Gout, a very painful type of arthritis, is caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in joints. All of these types of arthritis have different causes and different treatments. Folk remedies may not take all of the different types into consideration.

According to studies published over the years, magnetic wrist straps and copper bracelets don’t work on arthritis pain or stiffness. Placebo-controlled trials have been done in both osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A few small studies showed that magnets may offer some pain benefit in osteoarthritis, but these results have not been replicated or expanded to larger trials.

Due to its antimicrobial properties, copper has also gained popularity in the medical field. In 2013, a team of researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina conducted research and ran a test, where they infused frequently touched surfaces like bed rails and call buttons, with copper in an attempt to decelerate the spread of hospital-acquired infections. Their experiment has proved to be quite successful as it significantly reduced the number of patients who contracted potential life-threatening infections.

Patrick Iwobi, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author