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Monday 27 July 2020

How Using Turmeric is good for your health

Curcumin Is a Natural Anti-Inflammatory Compound Inflammation is incredibly important It helps your body fight foreign invaders and also has a role in repairing damage Without inflammation, pathogens like bacteria could easily take over your body and kill you. Although acute, short-term inflammation is beneficial, it can become a major problem when it becomes chronic and inappropriately attacks your body's own tissues. Scientists now believe that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic, Western disease. 

This includes heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's and various degenerative conditions therefore, anything that can help fight chronic inflammation is of potential importance in preventing and even treating these diseases. Curcumin is strongly anti-inflammatory. In fact, it’s so powerful that it matches the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects, It blocks NF-kB, a molecule that travels into the nuclei of your cells and turns on genes related to inflammation. NF-kB is believed to play a major role in many chronic diseases without getting into the details (inflammation is extremely complicated), the key takeaway is that curcumin is a bioactive substance that fights inflammation at the molecular level Chronic inflammation contributes to many common Western diseases. Curcumin can suppress many molecules known to play major roles in inflammation.


Is there an optimum way for turmeric to be absorbed? What may be affecting curcumin’s efficacy, doctors say, is that it is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In Indian cooking, turmeric is usually heated in a fat, like oil, which can increase absorption. Certain supplement manufacturers are also taking steps to improve this — curcumin’s bioavailability — by combining the compound with other components. For instance, a chemical found in black pepper — called piperine — is sometimes added to curcumin supplements in proprietary blends to increase its absorption. Researching curcumin can be challenging because some blends have better bioavailability than others, and varying amounts of the active ingredient.

 “If you did the study over and over again but used slightly different preparations, you would probably have different results,” said Dr. Janet Funk, a professor of medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson, who studies curcumin’s effect on bone. It may seem counterintuitive, but turmeric makes a great anti-acne cleanser and face wash. (Inflammation reducer) It’s also believed to reduce the growth of unwanted facial hair. You won't turn yellow if you do it right! Alzheimer's Disease People with Alzheimer's have chronic inflammation, and turmeric seems to have natural anti-inflammatory effects. So does turmeric fight Alzheimer's? Sorry, there's no strong scientific evidence yet that taking turmeric is an effective way to prevent the disease. 

 A relative of ginger, this vivid yellow-orange spice is common in Indian, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern cooking. It's also been used as medicine in places like India for centuries to treat issues such as breathing problems. Lately, turmeric has been touted as a super food that can fight cancer, ease depression, and more. Find out what turmeric can -- and can't -- do for your health. Turmeric Dramatically Increases the Antioxidant Capacity of the Body Oxidative damage is believed to be one of the mechanisms behind aging and many diseases. It involves free radicals, highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons, free radicals tend to react with important organic substances, such as fatty acids, proteins or DNA.

The main reason antioxidants are so beneficial is that they protect your body from free radicals. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals due to its chemical structure. In addition, curcumin boosts the activity of your body's own antioxidant enzymes, in that way, curcumin delivers a one-two punch against free radicals. It blocks them directly, then stimulates your body's own antioxidant defenses. Summary Curcumin has powerful antioxidant effects. It neutralizes free radicals on its own but also stimulates your body's own antioxidant enzymes.

Saturday 18 July 2020

How Drinking More Water Can Help Your Health

For example, certain colon cleanse tablets contain polymers, substances that bind to stool and change its consistency so that you end up passing what looks like long gray ropes. And products marketed as "detoxifying foot pads" contain a chemical that turns black when it comes into contact with sweat. Drinking More Water does so much more than quench your thirst. It regulates your body temperature, lubricates joints, aids digestion and nutrient absorption, and detoxifies your body by removing waste products . 

Your body’s cells must continuously be repaired to function optimally and break down nutrients for your body to use as energy. However, these processes release wastes — in the form of urea and carbon dioxide — which cause harm if allowed to build up in your blood . Water transports these waste products, efficiently removing them through urination, breathing, or sweating. So staying properly hydrated is important for detoxification .The adequate daily intake for water is 125 ounces (3.7 liters) for men and 91 ounces (2.7 liters) for women.

You may need more or less depending on your diet, where you live, and your activity level . Summary In addition to its many roles in your body, water allows your body’s detoxification system to remove waste products from your blood. Your colon, or large intestine, is "like a self-cleaning oven that has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, after your small intestine absorbs the nutrients from what you eat and pushes them into your bloodstream, your large intestine gets rid of whatever remains.

And while it can be porous (absorbing skin cream, for example), skin keeps out all sorts of bad things. It has the ability to block dangerous bacteria and even poisonous chemicals. In other words, skin is your body’s first line of defense against a broad array of toxins. Toxins bombard us from every angle. They exist in the air we breathe, the cosmetics and cleaning products we use, the water we drink and bathe in, and the foods (especially processed ones) we eat. Even mental stress ups our toxic load. 

When all this “junk” accumulates, you may experience symptoms from widespread inflammation in the body, which is the root of many chronic illnesses. Our bodies have built-in systems to boot these “bad guys,” but there’s growing belief among many experts that our natural cleaning crew can get overwhelmed and could use an extra hand to detox the body. There are many means to lending this support, from switching up your diet to new personal care routines.

Drink Water When You Wake Up and right before you go to sleep and throughout the day. "When you think about it, while our bodies are asleep, we go seven or more hours without any hydration, by providing your body with hydration upon waking, it refreshes and energizes our cells. "Staying hydrated is crucial to empowering your body to remove toxins and maintain blood sugar balance, It's especially essential after imbibing: "Alcohol acts as a diuretic and dehydrates you, so make sure you are increasing your water intake if you’ve been drinking recently."

Celebrities are especially famous for body detoxes that lean toward extreme (fasting, leech therapy, or colonic irrigation to name a few). Not every tactic aimed at fighting the accumulation of impurities is quite so intense. They can put too much pressure on the colon, causing it to blow out like a balloon, Or the tip of the enema device may cause damage to the wall of the rectum or the anal canal, leading to bleeding, abscesses and infection, which sometimes require surgery to repair. 

My Point is make sure your water intake is enough to keep your body hydrated, leaving your body dehydrated will lead to so much health issues, good water is what you need not tap water if you really want to stay balanced.❣️💧

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Healing Cancer with Rife Frequency

Abstract in the past century, there have been many attempts to treat cancer with low levels of electric and magnetic fields. We have developed non-invasive biofeedback examination devices and techniques and discovered that patients with the same tumor type exhibit biofeedback responses to the same, precise frequencies. Intrabuccal administration of 27.12 MHz radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF), which are amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies, results in long-term objective responses in patients with cancer and is not associated with any significant adverse effects.

 Intrabuccal administration allows for therapeutic delivery of very low and safe levels of EMF throughout the body as exemplified by responses observed in the femur, liver, adrenal glands, and lungs. In vitro studies have demonstrated that tumor-specific frequencies identified in patients with various forms of cancer are capable of blocking the growth of tumor cells in a tissue- and tumor-specific fashion. Current experimental evidence suggests that tumor-specific modulation frequencies regulate the expression of genes involved in migration and invasion and disrupt the mitotic spindle.

This novel targeted treatment approach is emerging as an appealing therapeutic option for patients with advanced cancer given its excellent tolerability. Dissection of the molecular mechanisms accounting for the anti-cancer effects of tumor-specific modulation frequencies is likely to lead to the discovery of novel pathways in cancer. Keywords: Cancer, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, amplitude modulation, tumor-specific frequencies

Rife's claims about his beam ray could not be independently replicated, and were discredited by independent researchers during the 1950s. An obituary in the Daily Californian described his death at the age of 83 on August 5, 1971, stating that he died penniless and embittered by the failure of his devices to garner scientific acceptance. Rife blamed the scientific rejection of his claims on a conspiracy involving the American Medical Association (AMA), the Department of Public Health, and other elements of "organized medicine", which had "brainwashed and intimidated" his colleagues.

Little reliable published information exists describing Rife's life and work. In the 1930s, he made several optical compound microscopes and using a movie camera, took time-lapse microscopy movies of microbes. He also built microscopes that included polarizers. “I now believe that the future cancer treatment rooms for children will be a very different place. It will be a pleasant place where children gather and make new friends, they probably won’t even know they’re sick.

They’ll draw pictures, color in their books, play with their toys, all the while unaware that above them beautiful blue-pinkish plasma lights are emanating healing, pulsing electric fields, shattering their cancer painlessly and non-toxically one cell at a time. ” Rife invented several optical microscopes, which he believed could visualize the auras of living microbes, including viruses that no other microscopes at the time could detect. Rife also claimed that he could use the color of the auras to calculate the electromagnetic frequency of these microbes.

Risks and considerations a person should seek advice from their doctor about alternative cancer treatments, Rife machines and other at-home electromagnetic frequency devices are not likely to cause any long-term risks. The electromagnetic frequency they emit is very weak, sometimes too weak to even penetrate the skin. However, people must consider the quality of the machine. There is no standard or regulation for Rife machines, and virtually anyone can make one. This means that the quality and construction of these machines can vary considerably.

Low-quality machines may put a person at risk for electrical shocks and burns, or the device may not be electrically safe. The most significant risk of using a Rife machine is if a person delays standard cancer treatments. The re is no evidence that Rife machines can cause side effect while treating cancer or any other disease. Early treatment of most types of cancer can significantly improve a person’s outlook. Delaying treatment can lead to the cancer spreading to other parts of the body, making it more challenging to treat.

Patrick Iwobi, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

Friday 3 July 2020

Joy Of Healing With Frequency

Tuning back to perfect vibrations will require great genius plus electromagnetic engineering. Nikola Tesla once said that knowing the magnificence detailed by 3, 6, and 9 will allow one to know the key to a peaceful universe. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are fundamental vibration roots made for solfeggio frequencies.

YouTube has countless Solfeggio meditations that integrate the frequencies with music — over a million pages were returned in a Google search on “Solfeggio meditation.” Some websites offer expensive, specialized equipment — others offer precisely calibrated tuning fork sets. Some health practitioners strike the forks, then place them on specific acupuncture points and meridians while others create “sound baths” with gongs and singing bowls tuned to specific frequencies.

Music tuned to the frequency of 741 Hz helps with problem-solving, cleansing the body, and self-expression. It also helps to awaken intuition and promote living simply and purely.

Albert Einstein further added that, on the matter, we have been wrong. Matter is energy having lowered vibrations perceptible to their senses. Every matter-being vibrate at quite specified rates, making everything to have their own melody. Musical nature for nuclear matter obtained from atoms to the galaxies is already recognized by the sciences.

The Guidonian Hand Some listen to chant recordings to enter trance states — others to relieve disease symptoms of depression. Sister Ruth Stanley, a Benedictine nun and head of complementary medicine at Minnesota’s St. Cloud Hospitals, observed that patients who listened to chant and “Plain song” experienced relief from chronic pain. But there are less obvious reasons for the wellbeing and health listeners’ experience.
The six original Solfeggio notes each have a “Hz,” or “cycle per second” frequency. Contemporary musical scale frequencies are not identical to the original notes — in the 20th century, those wishing to play in the original Solfeggio frequency scale tune theirs with specialized tuning forks or frequency measuring devices.

This scale of six notes (C, D, E, F, G, A), the ancestor of our “so re mi fa so la ti do,“ evolved into the modern diatonic scale after “UT” became “DO” in the 19th century, and “TI” (B) was added later. “Solfeggio” is based on the word “solfège,” the name for this notation method of teaching pitch and sight singing. Konig discovered that the resonances matched five different brainwave states: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. These are the brainwave states that occur naturally during all daily activities from sleeping to creating to learning.

Solfeggio Geometry and Cymatics is the science of observing the effects of sound and frequency on matter usually in the form of liquid or powder. The term was coined by Swiss scientist Hans Jenny, who used specialized equipment that allowed a viewer to observe shapes formed in a medium under the influence of sound wave frequencies. A cyma scope study for Soma Energetics, a company specializing in education and equipment for sound therapy, recorded cymatic images of each of the Solfeggio frequencies.
 Each frequency image contained “nodes” and “antinodes,” or the tops and bottoms of visible standing sound waves. Counting the antinodes, the researchers discovered that most of the Solfeggio frequencies, precisely produced by tuning forks, are “divisible by 3, 6, and/or 9. Any whole number divisor of 72 carries a mathematical relationship between phi and certain frequencies; 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, and 2 all work.” 12, 9, 6 and 3 all have special significance in many number-based esoteric systems.
And coincidentally, the hz frequency numbers (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852) can all be reduced to one of these numbers (369 = 18 = 9, 417 = 12 = 3, 528 = 15 = 6, 639 = 18 = 9, 741 = 12 = 3, 852 = 15 = 6). Nikola Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” The researchers added that distortions in the images were the product of ambient background noise, but the structure and geometry of each frequency is apparent in the images. 

Patrick Iwobi, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

Thursday 2 July 2020

Where to Find Bracelets That Will Improve Your Balance

Known for its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, copper can treat and heal wounds quickly. Also, it is known to strengthen the immune system and aids in the production of new cells.

Copper has been used for construction since prehistoric times, even before recorded history. Ancient civilizations even utilized the compounds in metals such as copper, zinc and manganese in their medicines and treatments. And as it turns out, copper has a wide range of health benefits! Copper is an essential micronutrient that has numerous health, wellness and beauty benefits, from improved appearance of skin, to treatment of wounds and skin conditions, and also aids in maintaining metabolic processes, among countless other health benefits. Your body does not produce copper naturally, so you must add it to your body from external sources. Copper is found in many foods that you eat, including beans, nuts and seeds, seafood such as oysters, leafy greens, whole grains, soy, beets, avocados and cocoa. Your body stores copper in your bones and muscles. 

You can also introduce copper to your body by drinking water from copper vessels or wearing copper jewelry. There are no risks or side effects reported with dietary consumption of copper. The only time a person would experience a problem would be due to excessive levels of copper in drinking water, exposure to high levels of copper through chemicals, or excessive use of supplements. High levels of copper can lead to oxidative damage in the brain. In Wilson’s disease, for example, high levels of copper collect in the liver, brain, and other vital organs.

According to the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, people with sufficient levels of iron can still be anemic. If blood test results show that you’re not getting enough copper, your doctor may recommend that you take supplements. Copper supplements are available as pills and capsules. You can also get copper intravenously, or through your veins. You shouldn’t take copper supplements and zinc supplements at the same time. You should take these supplements at least two hours apart.

Overview Copper is a mineral found throughout your body. It’s a nutrient that your body must have to function properly. You only need trace amounts of this heavy metal. Lead, mercury, and arsenic are examples of heavy metals that aren’t good for you. But getting copper in trace amounts is essential. Getting too much of it or not enough of it can cause health problems.

Copper deficiency in the United States and most developed countries is rare, especially when a person follows a balanced diet. In fact, most people can get all the copper they need through diet. If a person’s copper levels are low, a doctor can recommend a copper supplement and/or look for any underlying conditions. Anyone thinking about a copper supplement should first check with a doctor.

 Helps the digestive system perform better Copper has properties that help kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation within the stomach, making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections. Copper also helps cleanse and detox your stomach, regulates the working of your liver and kidneys, and proper elimination of waste and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food. "When water is stored in a copper container, the mineral gets leached into it. This copper leached in the water helps in breaking down of food particles in our body and improves our digestion." 

We have also discovered that after experimenting with copper charged with healing frequencies, the frequency imprint is amazing and result is great, The copper charged bangles works when is on the body and does not work when its not worn.  

Patrick Iwobi, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author